Creative Intuition
“You’re more than you think you are.”
– Michele Cassou
I just returned from my annual painting workshop at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House on the edge of the Pueblo Indian Reservation. Whenever possible, I travel to Taos, New Mexico in the fall to explore the mystery of life both outside and inside myself through creative self-expression.
Through this process I have been fortunate to access my creative intuition. It showed up 30 years ago as a quiet voice inside me at my first painting workshop with Michele Cassou in Big Sur. Since that time this wise voice has been a life partner, advising me in my work as an architectural designer, painter, writer, teacher and so much more.
Acknowledging the Presence
I share this with you because of those who responded to my inquiry of what they wanted to learn from my upcoming Eye for Beauty e-Course. Much of the feedback expressed the same issue – a lack of trust in themselves regarding their intuition, their creativity or their own eye for beauty.
Throughout the three decades of attending Michele’s painting workshops, I have witnessed hundreds of people who have gotten in touch with their creative intuition through painting or drawing from the unknown. Through this experience I have come to believe that all of us have this presence inside, but it is important to acknowledge it is there.
You Don’t Need to Be an Artist
I have dedicated one of the Eight Beauty Lessons in my Eye for Beauty e-Course to help you discover your invaluable and life-enhancing creative intuition. You can access this from the comfort of your own home and don’t need to be an artist or painter. Only a small sketchbook and some colored pencils or pens are required, and a willingness to face the void and trust what comes.
I don’t typically share my paintings but have included a few here as examples of accessing the unknown. This process is not about creating a product to hang on a wall or sell. It is an active meditation to get in touch with your own creative self-expression and inner wisdom.
Coming in October
I am at this moment putting the finishing touches on my Eye for Beauty e-Course. I am very excited after many months of preparation to launch it this October.
Join me next month to discover your own unique Eye for Beauty and creative intuition.
For love of the unknown,

love your painting….your idea for classes sounds like so much fun.
I really like your own art. It’s good. I believe you could show/sell it.
I can hardly wait for the course to begin!!!
I’m so looking forward to your e- course, you’ve encouraged me to be more aware of the colors in my surroundings 🧡
Linda, what a joy to see some of your paintings! So rich and complex and full of color – thank you for sharing the “inner you” with us. I’ve been inspired by reading Michelle’s books after you mentioned your work with her; I look forward to the e-course.