Beauty suddenly appeared today, followed by hope. The sun and blue skies emerged briefly through the smoke this afternoon, so I took a walk for the first time in two weeks. I picked a tiny [...]
My perspective on home is colored by a crazy childhood in North Texas. I lived behind a strip mall anchored by an innocent-looking white brick Dairy Queen with a red plastic roof where all the [...]
Have you stepped outside your front door lately to see what nature is up to these days as Indian Summer deepens into fall? What changes do you see? Any new colors? Shapes? Textures? Does the air [...]
I’ve read somewhere the Santa Fe basin is filled with rose quartz that attracts the feminine, which in turn, attracts creativity. I’m not positive about this theory, but the enchanting nature and [...]
I just returned from my annual painting workshop at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House on the edge of the Pueblo Indian Reservation. Whenever possible, I travel to Taos, New Mexico in the fall to [...]
When I started my design business several decades ago, Southwest Style literally burst into the Bay Area over night. It immediately became the rage and people were crazy about it. My very first [...]
One brilliant sky-blue day when I was walking the streets of Santa Fe, a wedding procession emerged from the doors of the Loretto Chapel. Smiling broadly while holding hands the jubilant bride [...]
I closed last week’s blog about pattern with my favorite mantra – good design repeats itself – and that’s where I’d like to start this one about shape.
In my years of experience working with clients, I have concluded that the thing that most strikes fear into their hearts is choosing and combining patterns.