Spring Openings
Spring is nature’s way of saying, Let’s party!
– Robin Williams
I hate California – it’s cold and it’s damp! But this afternoon, in an instant, the clouds cleared beyond my worn-out black laptop perched in front of an old single pane window. I stopped writing and walked a straight line to open the 90-year-old brick-colored front door. I could almost taste the newly-made air saturated with freshness from the rain. The late day was shining with brilliant lime greenness as I stepped out to a cluster of outrageous purple thistles in full bloom at my fingertips.
Nature is an elixir for me. It cheers my day, heals my stress and renews me as nothing else can. This time of year is intoxicating with its innocence, vigor and vibrancy. It is indeed a time to party both outside amid the new growth and inside through rooms that connect us to nature.

Indoor/Outdoor Connection

Growing up in a Texas tract house whose windows and doors were covered with sun-stifling maroon drapes layered over tightly shut chartreuse plastic blinds made me absolutely crave openings. The bigger the openings are, the more I rejoice in the connection between indoors and out that allows even a touch of nature to come shining through.
Yes, openings are of the utmost importance to me. And my clients often feel the same. You might think this is because we live in California, but I have worked on the East Coast, in the Southeast, Southwest and Canada, and the need for light and connection to the earth is universal.
Favorite Openings
Here are a few examples of some of my favorite openings that I hope will inspire you to create or enhance your own. Each image demonstrates principles – not rules – that I learned through years of working inside and outside of rooms. I don’t believe in rules, by the way. My profession has a lot of them that I delight in breaking.
Principles (Not Rules)
- Openings should be as large as possible in consideration of access on both sides of the spaces they connect.
- Exterior doors should open out to maximize space for interior furnishings.
- Openings facing views will draw people outdoors.
- If you don’t have a view, create focal points with fireplaces and fountains to create movement and sound. Sculptural elements in a garden can also beckon people outdoors.
- Where possible, create enticing places to sit surrounded by nature, whether wild or cultivated.
- Good design repeats itself – use analagous colors, shapes, textures and patterns to create harmony between indoor and outdoor rooms.
- Select plants that reflect the feeling of your home – e.g., cottage versus contemporary. Choose colors of plants and pots that relate to colors inside your home.

Good luck creating new openings to the outdoors, or making the ones you have more enticing. Have fun indoors and outdoors this spring. Party with the plants and trees, which bestow on us some of their freshest and most brilliant colors this time of year. Invite friends and family over to celebrate this season of rebirth. And whatever you do, don’t take nature for granted. Stop and smell the thistles!
Yours in the love of nature,

Nobody breaks rules as brilliantly as Linda Applewhite!
I know you are a fabulous interior decorator (I own a book of yours) and I remember and oh so miss your decorating show from HGTV! But I think you would be an awesome novelist!
Thanks for including a photo of Tobi! I just want to kiss his sweet face!
Jody and Willy (my little Brussels griffon)
Get your e-mail blasts every Monday…no surprise to me at all that your success continues and evolves. Sorry it’s been so long – still pulling for you from the sidelines.
Just lovely as always. The rooms and the words! We downsized 18 months ago did a big remodel on our 38 yr old 2000 ft tract house in Orange Co. I love playing in my house and enhancing the light wherever I can. Wish you lived next door. Sweet Toby.
Linda, the bed linens in the first pic are awesome – did you design the fabrics? They fit so perfectly into your color and pattern palette. What an eye for detail you have – you constantly amaze me. And I love the indoor/outdoor connection here – so many great ideas!
So agree with your recommendations on large open windows – doors leading to the outdoors. Our season is coming soon to NE Ohio. Late Spring and early Summer, for the most part, offer cool evenings and warm days. It’s welcomed after a long, frigid winter. Love your post as always. Hugs from Ohio!
Susan Rietschel Little
The spaces and warm colors are so gorgeous and inviting, all of which are like open arms saying “welcome” 🙂 I would love to climb out of bed on a sunny morning and walk out to that sweet little sitting area!! Thankfully the weather is finally showing a promise of Spring here in the NE. It was nice to wake up to 40 degrees instead of 20 something this a.m. !!
I am so anxious to get the show on the road with this kitchen reno. The designer was here yesterday to drop off a second sample cabinet door and it’s gorgeous!! Hopefully the contractor will be here today with a price for his work, he is in demand and is crazy busy all the time. I have seen his work in a home down the street from us and it’s stunning!! Here’s hoping things will be moving along very soon.
Happy Spring,